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Glazing Materials

1. Single and Double Sided Glazing Tapes

Glazing tapes are resilient foam tapes with glue on single or both sides, hence single or double sided, used to seal glass into a frame, sash, or opening. Structural glazing applications, some tapes are strong enough to hold the glass in place for life of the building. Glazing that use structural caulk needs to be held in place till the caulking sets. Tape does not have this need and therefore multifold productivity is achieved. In addition to tape, caulking can be applied to fill the cavity achieving both productivity and added security. In hollow-metal applications tape is excellent choice to hold glass in the frame without rattling.

2. Fire Rated Tapes, Caulk, and Compounds

We provide them in whatever sizes and shapes for whatever your needs are. Polished edges make them safe. Also help them shine and enhance beauty of your office or side table or dresser. Available in many colors to suit your interior or taste.

3. Setting blocks and Vinyl

Setting blocks are small blocks of wood, lead, neoprene, or other suitable material placed under the bottom edge of a glass panel to support it within the frame and prevent it from settling down onto the lower rabbet or channel. The blocks also protect glass against vibration and shock from handling, shipping, and wind loads. Available with or without pressure-sensitive adhesive, blocks elevate and isolate insulating glass units from sash. It also allows safe contraction and expansion of the glazing panel. Nowadays leading glass manufactures recommend silicone setting blocks to be compatible with insulated glazing. Vinyl refers to various glazing gaskets that hold the glass safely in the frame. Vinyls come in various shapes and thickness. Vinyl is also used in securing the screen in its frame. Also it is applied in weather proofing applications on doors. Please specify shape, application, etc. while enquiring.